Well, we made it through another year. Lots of ups and downs in this one, but as usual, the overall sum is better than some of the parts. Christmas day, as well as the whole season was lovely. Of course, I love having the kids home from school for Christmas break (or whatever PC title they give it :), but the one who was sorely missed, was our big guy, Michael J. Having moved back to Alaska to work at getting a job where the economy is a bit more insulated, and way better than it is here in OR, its been a tough adjustment not having him around the house. I miss the day by day stuff, but have to admit my most obvious "mom moments" come at certain points that are holiday related. Hanging stockings for instance :~ Yeah, that was a tough one, but I was blessed by photos my mom sent showing Michael opening "His" Stocking (as I sent it up to AK so he would have his own!) on Christmas Day.
The other kids had great Christmases. Caleb seemed to be the kid that took away the "haul" this year. No matter how we try to keep it all equitable, it seems there's always one who just gets a bit extra. With a set of 3 microphones and stands, set up in the front room when he came stumbling, sleepily out of his bedroom, Caleb's morning started with a very nice present from his Aunt Michelle and Uncle Adam. Caleb also received a video camera from his Granparents in Alaska (I've forgotten the name of the camera) but, it was "just the ticket. The very camera that 'all' the bands use to shoot their little tour updates" and it will allow him to make music (and any other videos) and post directly to You Tube. What more can a guy want!
We also still have Michael's friend, our boarder, Luke living with us and were happy to have him home for the holiday. He had taken a trip back to his parents' in AK, the week prior to Christmas, but was traveling with a friend who lives here in OR and needed to be back here for Christmas Day. Luke said they had a great a visit in AK and Luke also has famiy just 30 minutes away from here, in Salem, whose house I believe he visited for Christmas dinner. Luke received a couple gifts from us, including a "Magic Bullet" mixer/blender system. Tony has one that Luke loves to use, and while I don't think Luke has immediate plans to move out of our home, he is thinking about it, and has mentioned several times how he loves to have his "own" appliance type things that he will someday use in a home of his own. Luke gave thoughful gifts to each member of our family...my favorite being my set of yummy smelling body lotions and bath jels from Bath and Body works! My extended family also always includes Luke in their gift-giving. He's just like one of the kids around here! We love him.
Kallie came away with a smaller load, but somehow, the cost was about equal. Its just that IPods are a small package with a nice price tag! A gift card from her Aunt Michelle and Uncle Adam allowed her to shop, shop, shop, for clothes...and already has- making some fantastic purchases! Kallie got a great coat from her Grandma here in OR. Carlene shows remarkably good taste! Kallie also got lots of smaller gifts of things that she had asked for.
Christmas is always special for Tony and I...because its special for the kids. We ended up with some very thoughtful and fun presents from family. I just spent my gift card to Michael's craft store that I received from Michelle and Adam (had to take advantage of those end of the year sales!) Funny thing was the cashier asked if I'd gotten anything particularly special for Christmas, and we all laughed when I handed over my gift card. A fabulous nightie from Mama and Daddy makes me feel like I'm about 12 years old. Very young looking, but fits an old, chubby gal, and still looks great. What more can a mom ask for. Oh, perhaps the fabulous green cable knit sweater from my hubby... with all the right details ( a wide, cowel-type neck, cables, a center sweatshirt style pocket and a perfect fit ) from my favorite clothing store, Christopher and Banks! There is more of course, presents from Grandpa, Aunt Julie and Uncle Dan, and the list goes on... but the greatest blessing of all- the birth of our Saviour is always our best reason for celebrating - and having such a blessed, amazing family adds to the magic.
Hope you enjoy the photos...
Happy New Year to you all!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Well, just as I was getting started on my own brand of creativity today. Caleb and his friend, Tyler, starting trying to decide what to wear for Halloween. While this is NOT my favorite holiday, the kids have always loved to dress up, and of course, what kid can resist free candy. Caleb and bud, decided to go as members of the band, "Hollywood Undead." Sounds like a fitting name for the occassion. And, it meant creating masks. Luckily, I happened to have two masks on-hand. Actually, one was a mask I painted for Caleb two years ago....so we painted over that one, and one was just waiting to be decorated. Tyler, who is fairly creative, painted his own, (except for the "3" which he asked me to do) while I painted Caleb's - Caleb showered, and got his hair ready.
Meanwhile, Kallie was getting decked as a cat. I'm not sure about all the elements of her costume. Part of it came from her recent trip to CA with her aunt and uncle, and part of was her grandma's b-day shopping gift to her. I wish I had a photo of the original costume as, in the end, Kallie ended up putting on a t-shirt and a skirt over her costume skirt, and leg warmers over the lower part of her fabulous leggings. Just said she was more comfortable that way! That's my girl. So, I did take a few pics.
Caleb and his friend are not flashing gang signs...the hand signals somehow mean "Hollywood Undead."
Caleb's mask. Not as intricate as his buddy's but far creepier, in my opinion. Yuck!
Kallie and Caleb...siblings- still willing to pose together. Both good in front of a camera... Love the cat ears, but that mask!
Kallie Kitten...so cute!
Kallie and new beau, Justin. We like him... nice guy.
Okay, so, helped the kids get ready for their evenings, and then spent the evening alone with hubby...watching NCIS marathon reruns. How much more fun can a person have!
Happy Halloween
Meanwhile, Kallie was getting decked as a cat. I'm not sure about all the elements of her costume. Part of it came from her recent trip to CA with her aunt and uncle, and part of was her grandma's b-day shopping gift to her. I wish I had a photo of the original costume as, in the end, Kallie ended up putting on a t-shirt and a skirt over her costume skirt, and leg warmers over the lower part of her fabulous leggings. Just said she was more comfortable that way! That's my girl. So, I did take a few pics.
Caleb and his friend are not flashing gang signs...the hand signals somehow mean "Hollywood Undead."
Caleb's mask. Not as intricate as his buddy's but far creepier, in my opinion. Yuck!
Kallie and Caleb...siblings- still willing to pose together. Both good in front of a camera... Love the cat ears, but that mask!
Kallie and new beau, Justin. We like him... nice guy.
Okay, so, helped the kids get ready for their evenings, and then spent the evening alone with hubby...watching NCIS marathon reruns. How much more fun can a person have!
Happy Halloween
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
There and Back Again

Well, No....I haven't actually been anywhere, but a certain heaviness had been taking its toll...although, thankfully, I'm feeling better again. I've still been creating away...just haven't been posting or updating my Etsy store. However, I just added 8 new items to the store and reduced most of my prices- as I say at the store-front, "with a nod to the economy!"
On the personal front, and perhaps most related to feeling heavy-hearted, my first-born just made the move back to Alaska. Truly, I think it is a great move for him, as the economy there is somewhat insulated and definitely not as bad as it is here in Oregon, but it takes a lot of reminding myself of that in order not to succumb to the feelings of beginning "empty nest syndrome." Okay, reminding myself of the benefits of Michael's move and I upped my vitamin D supplementation and started taking SAM-e. Really, though, it seems to have made an improvement in only about a week!
I think I've posted most of my wall-art (just remembered one piece that I still need to photo and post) so that portion of the store is mostly current in status. I also have many matchbox necklaces that are finished and need to be photographed and posted, AND I have been working on Christmas cards and decorations....so keep a look out- lots more to come.
Make sure to hit the link on the side for a quick jump to my Etsy store. Peace.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Meet Narya

For the millions of fans who follow my blog, I am pleased to introduce my bulldog, Narya, to you! I actually have two dogs, so I'll have to do another post about my rescue mutt, Buddy, on another day. But, Narya has been polished and shined, so we had a photo shoot.
Narya is almost exclusively an indoor dog, going out when she wants to do her business or sometimes to lay on the front porch and soak up the sun, but other than that, she's at my feet 24/7. Okay, that's not quite correct. She sleeps with me quite often and in the middle of the night, she moves from my feet and crawls on to my body as close to my face as she can get. Occassionally, I'll awaken in a blurry panic with this crushing, suffocating feeling on my chest. Of course, by now, I pretty much realize its a 48lb bully, just showin' her love. But, alas, I need to breathe! So, back to the feet she goes- which usually means, I switch positions as moving myself is much easier than moving her!
Bullies are a special breed of dog. They are popular for their amazing good looks, but their temperment is what really steals your heart. Narya is an alpha dog, but even with that trait, she is an amazing family dog. So loving and loyal!
What a lot of people don't know is how high maintenance these pups can be. Just a few facts of bully care...in case you ever consider getting one.
I'll start backasswards...so to speak. Bully's can have funky tails. Generally, they are all short and no need for docking, but, there is one particularly special type of tail that may determine which pup you choose. I've had 4 bulldogs and two of them have had this tail...its a "screw" tail...I didn't take any pics of it, but suffice it to say, it is twisted somewhat like a screw, but the tricky part is that it often has a "pocket" underneath it. This is not part of their anus...that is usually on full display and, if you ever watch "America's Funniest Home Videos" you might have noted that it can be a bit of a bulls-eye for toddlers fingers. At any rate, as far as the actual anus goes- you know right away whether they are dirty or not, and if not, you get to clean them, as bully's cannot lick their own hind ends (a fine argument for getting two of them!) So, back to the tail...the pocket and the screw are prone to irritation because of moisture and the inability of the dog to clean itself. Its not that this is really disgustingly dirty, but it is at that end of the dog, it retains moisture, breeds bacteria, (think yeast infection) and just has to be tended to regularly for the health and comfort of the dog...and for the cleanliness of your carpet...if your bully is doing the sit and spin dance, check this area right away!
Kind of the same issue applies to the folds on their face. The very ones that make them so amazingly handsome can also hold moisture and cause problems...staining, itching, redness, infection. Narya's breeder is very knowledgeable and helpful- we have very little problem with Nar-nar's (as she is often called) facial folds. A proper diet and regular maintenance here have made all the difference.
Bullies can have allergies. Pretty much, just don't give them corn- So, that means high-end dog food. But, I have had bullies that lost patches of fur and by hook and crook, discovered a home-made meal that caused them to recover. I have seen bullies with horrible skin conditions. This isn't always the case, its probably all in the breeding, feeding and luck of the draw, but if you end up with an allergy prone bully, you may be looking at even further personal attention and expense. For my two bullies who lost patches of hair, I made a mixture of brown rice, carrots, peas, eggs, drippings and fat from any meat I cooked for the family, bullion (for flavor and salt) dog vitamin/mineral supplement, butter or olive oil if I didn't have meat fat at the time, and omega fish oils. For more specific portions comment me and I'll see if I can help you out. However, now, at my new breeder's suggestion, my dogs eat "Nature's Recipe- Lamb and Rice meal" and Nar-nar is fantastically healthy and has a beautiful coat...if I do say so myself. Love that brindle- don't you agree!
Also, you have to trim their toe nails as bullies are not active enough to wear them down usually. And those nails will continue to grow until they really mess up the dog"s feet. I try to trim Narya's every week with a rotary tool- not the clippers.
And finally, bullies are not prone to fantastic agility or obedience. They are extremely smart and bull-headed- whether alpha, where they look you in the face and continue to ignore your command or passive, where they ignore you without looking at you.
Okay, well, I realize it probably sounds like I'm complaining, but that comes from a certain perspective. I LOVE my bullies and really do my best to care for and spoil them. Obviously, some of my perspective comes from skin and eye problems our past bullies have had, however, both problems were resolvable, just requiring extra time, care and money. (Surgery for cherry-eye.)
But, our bully problems have been minor and, as just stated, cared for so that they were no longer a problem. What brings me to writing this, is truly my love for my Nar-nar and my past bullies- knowing what I put in to them and the wonderful pay-off of love and devotion I get in return- that knowlege and the experience of seeing bullies that had problems that are not taken care of: Scaborous skin so that no one in their right mind would want to pet the miserable dog, forget about cuddling up with it, no matter how much those precious eyes begged for attention- long nails, that splay the toes and cause infections and malformation. Bullie's left outside in the heat... I could go on. But, my point is that these are high-maintaince dogs who thrive on a life of attention and leisure...they pay it back in love, gentleness, loyalty, humor, and tons of personality...but, they are not for everbody- no matter how beautiful they are!
high maintenance,
Sunday, August 9, 2009
How does your garden grow...
Good eatin' -
Saturday, August 8, 2009

LOL... I crack myself up! When I decided to blog tonite, I really didn't have much to say. One of those days (very rarely do I not have much to say) I guess. So, I just got finished cleaning up my new work station area, went thru a fair mound of clothes that I had been tossing over a towel rack for the last week or so (actually hung up dresses and folded clothes that went in my dresser!) and then took a shower and brushed my teeth.
Those activities, being really all the news I could think of at first, inspired today's blog title. Then, just as I started to type I remembered a commercial I saw today. I think it's advertising a phone or i phone or something, but what I do remember was that a set of parents is featured in the commercial. The mother was repeatedly posting to her daughter's My Space and the father was tweeting, apparently, according to the son, his every move..."now I'm sitting on the porch," (or something like that.) So, that's my reason for L'ing OL- Now, I'm clean!
The family? They're clean too :) LOL! Actually, I made Caleb brush his teeth twice before he and a friend who is staying with us for the weekend went to Albany, to another friend's house. Tony is on his way to pick them up now - he showered before he left. He needed it, he worked out at the gym, mowed the lawn, watered my flowers for me- and a bunch of other sweaty stuff today. Kallie is staying the night at a friend's house- she doesn't leave the house without a shower and an hour + primping session. Michael was clean - just out of the shower when he left the house for Scio this morning...haven't seen him since, though...and while its not a really hot day- it is muggy- sooooo....he just might be the one who isn't clean. And, Luke, Michael's friend and our boarder, is on a date- not only is clean- but, he's dressed pretty spiffy!
I did finish a handful of matchbox necklaces that I've been working on this week. One didn't work out, so its a handful minus a digit. I took some pics, maybe I'll get to posting them to Etsy tomorrow, but I'll post a preview here...and a cute pic of my favorite female Etsy model!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Kallie Style!

I'm just about finished with the first installment of my new collaboration with my daughter, "Kallie's Kartoons." (Actually, thought I was done until I started taking photos, and found that this piece needs another clear top-coat. Sometimes, only my camera lens shows me what needs fixing!)
These two amorous giraffes are a collaged representation of Kallie's notebook doodling.
I don't think I'll put them up for sale quite yet, as I'm inspired to use them in a series... but they'll see their place on Etsy soon.
Hope you enjoy the preview! I'm really just so excited for the chance to work with Kallie on these projects!
Let us know what you think...leave a comment!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Found a Treasure!
Well, maybe I should say, I found out about a treasure... apparently, its been here all along.
Last night, I had the priviledge of sitting on my couch chatting with my 16 year old dear daughter (dd) until the wee hours of the morning. (Yes, I'm tired today!) While we were talking, I was practicing drawing in my sketchbook, when somehow, dd mentioned that she got a lot of compliments on the cartoon pictures she "doodled" at school. After she told me about some of her doodle creatures, she remembered that she had a school notebook in her room which she thought might contain some of her cartoons. Of course, I wanted to see them right away, so at about 2 am (or so) she went and dug her notebook out from under some pile in her room. (Actually, she generally has the cleanest room in the house :)
Well, I was amazed! DD likes fashion and for awhile she was sketching out beautiful, original gowns, but I hadn't seen anything like what she had created in her notebook- while she probably should have been doing school work! It turns out she has a real knack for drawing cartoons and especially, individual cartoon-style creatures.
So, guess what we're going to do? We're going to collaborate! I am so excited to have the chance to work with her on some projects! I plan to start a new line in my artwork. An off-shoot possibly called, "Kallie's Kartoons." I will put her doodle ideas to collage wall-art and she will be my partner in this endeavor. She inspired me so much, even after we stayed up talking half the night, I could barely sleep for the rest of it. Couldnt' wait to get up today and start on a collaborative project. But, now, all I can think of is a nap.
Keep an eye on my blog and my Etsy store though...while I will continue with my regular artistic stylings, we will soon have a line with a new style- Kallie Style!
Last night, I had the priviledge of sitting on my couch chatting with my 16 year old dear daughter (dd) until the wee hours of the morning. (Yes, I'm tired today!) While we were talking, I was practicing drawing in my sketchbook, when somehow, dd mentioned that she got a lot of compliments on the cartoon pictures she "doodled" at school. After she told me about some of her doodle creatures, she remembered that she had a school notebook in her room which she thought might contain some of her cartoons. Of course, I wanted to see them right away, so at about 2 am (or so) she went and dug her notebook out from under some pile in her room. (Actually, she generally has the cleanest room in the house :)
Well, I was amazed! DD likes fashion and for awhile she was sketching out beautiful, original gowns, but I hadn't seen anything like what she had created in her notebook- while she probably should have been doing school work! It turns out she has a real knack for drawing cartoons and especially, individual cartoon-style creatures.
So, guess what we're going to do? We're going to collaborate! I am so excited to have the chance to work with her on some projects! I plan to start a new line in my artwork. An off-shoot possibly called, "Kallie's Kartoons." I will put her doodle ideas to collage wall-art and she will be my partner in this endeavor. She inspired me so much, even after we stayed up talking half the night, I could barely sleep for the rest of it. Couldnt' wait to get up today and start on a collaborative project. But, now, all I can think of is a nap.
Keep an eye on my blog and my Etsy store though...while I will continue with my regular artistic stylings, we will soon have a line with a new style- Kallie Style!
Saturday, August 1, 2009

I have a couple more photos to share. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were having a garage sale last weekend and had a computer table/work station that they wanted to get rid of. Unfortunately, since I'm still in the "starving artist" stage, I couldn't afford to purchase it, but it was an "everything must go" sale and they were going to donate it somewhere if it didn't sell. I volunteered to be first on their charity list and fortunately, for me, the table was still there at the end of the day. So, two days later they showed up in a truck and hauled it into my house. In trade, they put my hubby to work today, helping haul rock in their land-scaping endeavors, but after that, they even fed us hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the picnic fixin's! It was very generous of them, and I got busy right away putting the work station to work! For now it is set up in half of my living room that goes unused, which puts me looking right out of my front window with my favorite view! I don't know yet whether I will transfer my computer into that room or not. I just love my new table so much though! It is so convenient having the "wrap around" on one side... it really makes my work easier by keeping more of my "stuff" within arm's reach. There's even room for my kitten!
You'll have to ignore my walls..the haphazard placement of art and photos and even the large frame hanging on point! I took all my art down to display at a coffee shop and now, I've just been throwing things up on the left-over thumb tacks and nails as I get them done - or just to get them out of my way!
I'm also posting a photo of the first art piece that I created at my new table. Using a real photo that I took of a sunflower that is in a pot on my front porch, I photo-shopped and cropped the flower, printed it twice so I could place one directely on top of the other and separated them with heavy duty chip board and foam squares for depth, and then, decoupaged my swirly sun, used acrylic paints and heavy acrylic mediums for texture - etched with a leaf-like pattern, for the greenish back-ground, added layers of ribbon for the stem, adorned the die-cut leaves with glass seed beads and used parts of a puzzle my mom sent me (as part of a collage-making goody package) for extra fun elements. This is a happy, whimsical piece...celebrating my love for the sun and for sun flowers! Oh, and the flower is of course, crowned with a decorated copper crown! Naming my art is one of the most fun parts of the process, but this one is tough for me. Currently, my two options are Daedalus Helianthus or Imperial Helianthus. Heliantus is the scientific name for sunflowers, and Daedalus is the name of the mythical boy who made wings of feathers and wax and flew too close to the sun...although, that's not a very happy tale :) Leave me a comment if you have a name preference or your own idea for this sunflower piece. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Well, that's the news for now. Hope you like the photos, and remember to leave me a comment!
computer table,
mixed media,
wall art,
work station
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Well, I've been away from the blog for a few days. I guess there wasn't much to write about. The temps here have been in the triple digits and are supposed to be again today! That is just HOT! I did get woken early yesterday and went outside to take some pics of flowers just as the sun was coming up. Then, last night, I was going out to my garden to harvest some chives and my little kitten "Pink" was just so cute. Sleeping with his head on a rock... I think it was Jacob in the Old Testament who did that- then wrestled with an angel. Anyway, my kitten was cooperative for awhile and I got some fun photos of him (we think its a "him").
I'll post a couple pics. Then to work on an exemplar that I'm trying to put together to submit to Somerset. I've got all the letters and their back-grounds done, now I need to decorate and put together the finishing touches. Stay Cool!
Thursday, July 23, 2009

I've been trying to get a slide-show going on my blog...but, I'm running out of steam and ideas.
I went with Photobucket...maybe I'll try another service.
But, for now, here's a photo of my latest wall-art. I've been wanting to do an assemblabe collage with roses behind, and hanging over a white fence, and when I stopped to take a picture of this yard that had just the scene I wanted, a lady came out and asked, "I hope your photographing something you like." I was so embarrassed. After I explained that I'm an artist and I work from photographs, she was very kind and told me to "come on up in the driveway, get closer." So this piece is a result of that. I haven't yet posted it on my Etsy store, but it will be there soon, probably later today. Visit me there!
wall art,
white picket fence
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
True Story
After my dog hurt her back leg...after a $300 visit to the vet...after bringing home a dog under the after affects of anethesia...after she pees in the front room in the middle of the night...after I clean her and her area up...after I try to give her her new pain medicine...after she vomits on the new blanket I lovingly put down for her...after I get up in the middle of the night to blog about all these absurdities, I go back to bed (my couch- I'll explain the couch thing in another blog when it seems important)- so after I go back to bed, calm myself down, snuggle in to try to finally get some rest- a spider crawls across me!
Arachnaphobia- the only phobia I know that I have. I have it bad. Really bad.
A spider crawled ACROSS me!
Is there no rest for the weary?
Arachnaphobia- the only phobia I know that I have. I have it bad. Really bad.
A spider crawled ACROSS me!
Is there no rest for the weary?
Yeah, I know its a bit quick for another entry....

But...here I was trying to sleep. (Remember the beat in [my] head.) Having fitful, disturbing, dreams when I did drift off, and then waking at 1:49 to my precious bulldog, Narya, peeing in the front room. (I was on the couch....long story...no marital problems.) Well, couldn't blame her, she severely hurt her back leg today- we don't know how, but she is still blissfully slumbering and snoring under the after effects of the anesthesia. Here's the rub... She's in heat, so she had on a "diaper," (which was useless). Obviously, she thinks she's done something wrong because she knows she's not supposed to pee in the house. So, I'm carrying this 58 lb lug and trying to console her and assure her she's not in trouble. Her cycle makes her pee STINK (sorry to the weak of stomach) so, I'm trying to clean up after her and take care of her at the same time.
She's obviously in tremendous pain so I start the pain killers the vet prescribed. She repeatedly spews them out til she's actually foaming at the mouth and finally vomits on the new bedding I just put down for her. Doc's aren't sure what her actual injury is. Nothing's broken, their best guess is a torn or partially torn maniscus.
Did I mention I'm sleep deprived. Maybe I should be the one taking her pain pills.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Today is the first day of the rest of my life...and of my blog.
That "Today is the first day" saying was a quote that hung on a banner at my Nana's church when I was little. I didn't really like the church that much, and Nana always sang loud and off key because she was tone deaf, but I did love that banner - for a child who shouldn't have had a care in the world, somehow it brought me comfort, despite the fact that I had nothing to worry about!
So, this is my first blog. Ever.
Can I talk about Michael Jackson for a moment here? Of course I can, its my blog. Well, I grew up in the 80's and was a MJ fan (hmmm... just realized those are my oldest son's initials), so I was a fan, but, was not a fanatic. The coverage of his death, in my humble opinion has been thorough to the point of exhaustion: (or is that my dysautonomia kicking in.) Regardless, the one thing that I did "get out of it" was a quote concerning his not being able to sleep. Dysautonmia messes with everything the autonomic nervous system is supposed to control - sleep being one of them. But, in all the death coverage that I tried to ignore while I "arted" away, I did catch one Jackson quote that I related with. The very thing that lead to Jackson's death, his tortured contention for sleep, he described as being the result of, "a constant beat in my head." So, while I imagine more than I will ever care to know was going on with Jackson, this makes one thing clear, he was always an artist...and perhaps that kept him from rest.
All that just to say, that I relate. I spent 13 years suffering with dysautonmia, with no diagnosis because it is so rare. During that time, I slept as much as I could, when I wanted to, when I was scared, when I was tired, whenever. I even had a sleeping bag in the back of my van so I could catch a nap at lunch when I took on a full-time job (that didn't last long - too ill!) But, now. Now, that I have found an activity that I can do and that I enjoy. Now, that I am trying to help with the family income as dysautonomia has rendered me disabled and unable to work. Now, that I have something that is my own, that is fun, that is meaningful and fulfilling. Now, I find that I have "a constant beat in my head."
I either have ideas for art, or feel I should be thinking of ideas, or want to be putting my ideas into fruition. I already suffer for a need for good restful sleep, but now, I find that I suffer with one who was a true artist- but... I won't be hooking up to an IV. Ambien anyone?
So, this is my first blog. Ever.
Can I talk about Michael Jackson for a moment here? Of course I can, its my blog. Well, I grew up in the 80's and was a MJ fan (hmmm... just realized those are my oldest son's initials), so I was a fan, but, was not a fanatic. The coverage of his death, in my humble opinion has been thorough to the point of exhaustion: (or is that my dysautonomia kicking in.) Regardless, the one thing that I did "get out of it" was a quote concerning his not being able to sleep. Dysautonmia messes with everything the autonomic nervous system is supposed to control - sleep being one of them. But, in all the death coverage that I tried to ignore while I "arted" away, I did catch one Jackson quote that I related with. The very thing that lead to Jackson's death, his tortured contention for sleep, he described as being the result of, "a constant beat in my head." So, while I imagine more than I will ever care to know was going on with Jackson, this makes one thing clear, he was always an artist...and perhaps that kept him from rest.
All that just to say, that I relate. I spent 13 years suffering with dysautonmia, with no diagnosis because it is so rare. During that time, I slept as much as I could, when I wanted to, when I was scared, when I was tired, whenever. I even had a sleeping bag in the back of my van so I could catch a nap at lunch when I took on a full-time job (that didn't last long - too ill!) But, now. Now, that I have found an activity that I can do and that I enjoy. Now, that I am trying to help with the family income as dysautonomia has rendered me disabled and unable to work. Now, that I have something that is my own, that is fun, that is meaningful and fulfilling. Now, I find that I have "a constant beat in my head."
I either have ideas for art, or feel I should be thinking of ideas, or want to be putting my ideas into fruition. I already suffer for a need for good restful sleep, but now, I find that I suffer with one who was a true artist- but... I won't be hooking up to an IV. Ambien anyone?
Michael Jackson,
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