LOL... I crack myself up! When I decided to blog tonite, I really didn't have much to say. One of those days (very rarely do I not have much to say) I guess. So, I just got finished cleaning up my new work station area, went thru a fair mound of clothes that I had been tossing over a towel rack for the last week or so (actually hung up dresses and folded clothes that went in my dresser!) and then took a shower and brushed my teeth.
Those activities, being really all the news I could think of at first, inspired today's blog title. Then, just as I started to type I remembered a commercial I saw today. I think it's advertising a phone or i phone or something, but what I do remember was that a set of parents is featured in the commercial. The mother was repeatedly posting to her daughter's My Space and the father was tweeting, apparently, according to the son, his every move..."now I'm sitting on the porch," (or something like that.) So, that's my reason for L'ing OL- Now, I'm clean!
The family? They're clean too :) LOL! Actually, I made Caleb brush his teeth twice before he and a friend who is staying with us for the weekend went to Albany, to another friend's house. Tony is on his way to pick them up now - he showered before he left. He needed it, he worked out at the gym, mowed the lawn, watered my flowers for me- and a bunch of other sweaty stuff today. Kallie is staying the night at a friend's house- she doesn't leave the house without a shower and an hour + primping session. Michael was clean - just out of the shower when he left the house for Scio this morning...haven't seen him since, though...and while its not a really hot day- it is muggy- sooooo....he just might be the one who isn't clean. And, Luke, Michael's friend and our boarder, is on a date- not only is clean- but, he's dressed pretty spiffy!
I did finish a handful of matchbox necklaces that I've been working on this week. One didn't work out, so its a handful minus a digit. I took some pics, maybe I'll get to posting them to Etsy tomorrow, but I'll post a preview here...and a cute pic of my favorite female Etsy model!
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