I'm just about finished with the first installment of my new collaboration with my daughter, "Kallie's Kartoons." (Actually, thought I was done until I started taking photos, and found that this piece needs another clear top-coat. Sometimes, only my camera lens shows me what needs fixing!)
These two amorous giraffes are a collaged representation of Kallie's notebook doodling.
I don't think I'll put them up for sale quite yet, as I'm inspired to use them in a series... but they'll see their place on Etsy soon.
Hope you enjoy the preview! I'm really just so excited for the chance to work with Kallie on these projects!
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Fun to collaborate with Kallie! Her giraffes are precious!
Remember, Kallie has doodled since she was a young kid. The quilt she made showing the teddy bear in bed ... the one that won the blue ribbon at the fair when she was about 10 y.o. ... was inspired by a doodle on a sticky note! Su Madre
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