But...here I was trying to sleep. (Remember the beat in [my] head.) Having fitful, disturbing, dreams when I did drift off, and then waking at 1:49 to my precious bulldog, Narya, peeing in the front room. (I was on the couch....long story...no marital problems.) Well, couldn't blame her, she severely hurt her back leg today- we don't know how, but she is still blissfully slumbering and snoring under the after effects of the anesthesia. Here's the rub... She's in heat, so she had on a "diaper," (which was useless). Obviously, she thinks she's done something wrong because she knows she's not supposed to pee in the house. So, I'm carrying this 58 lb lug and trying to console her and assure her she's not in trouble. Her cycle makes her pee STINK (sorry to the weak of stomach) so, I'm trying to clean up after her and take care of her at the same time.
She's obviously in tremendous pain so I start the pain killers the vet prescribed. She repeatedly spews them out til she's actually foaming at the mouth and finally vomits on the new bedding I just put down for her. Doc's aren't sure what her actual injury is. Nothing's broken, their best guess is a torn or partially torn maniscus.
Did I mention I'm sleep deprived. Maybe I should be the one taking her pain pills.
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