Tuesday, July 21, 2009

True Story

After my dog hurt her back leg...after a $300 visit to the vet...after bringing home a dog under the after affects of anethesia...after she pees in the front room in the middle of the night...after I clean her and her area up...after I try to give her her new pain medicine...after she vomits on the new blanket I lovingly put down for her...after I get up in the middle of the night to blog about all these absurdities, I go back to bed (my couch- I'll explain the couch thing in another blog when it seems important)- so after I go back to bed, calm myself down, snuggle in to try to finally get some rest- a spider crawls across me!

Arachnaphobia- the only phobia I know that I have. I have it bad. Really bad.

A spider crawled ACROSS me!

Is there no rest for the weary?

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