Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Well, I've been away from the blog for a few days. I guess there wasn't much to write about. The temps here have been in the triple digits and are supposed to be again today! That is just HOT! I did get woken early yesterday and went outside to take some pics of flowers just as the sun was coming up. Then, last night, I was going out to my garden to harvest some chives and my little kitten "Pink" was just so cute. Sleeping with his head on a rock... I think it was Jacob in the Old Testament who did that- then wrestled with an angel. Anyway, my kitten was cooperative for awhile and I got some fun photos of him (we think its a "him").

I'll post a couple pics. Then to work on an exemplar that I'm trying to put together to submit to Somerset. I've got all the letters and their back-grounds done, now I need to decorate and put together the finishing touches. Stay Cool!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I've been trying to get a slide-show going on my blog...but, I'm running out of steam and ideas.

I went with Photobucket...maybe I'll try another service.

But, for now, here's a photo of my latest wall-art. I've been wanting to do an assemblabe collage with roses behind, and hanging over a white fence, and when I stopped to take a picture of this yard that had just the scene I wanted, a lady came out and asked, "I hope your photographing something you like." I was so embarrassed. After I explained that I'm an artist and I work from photographs, she was very kind and told me to "come on up in the driveway, get closer." So this piece is a result of that. I haven't yet posted it on my Etsy store, but it will be there soon, probably later today. Visit me there!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

True Story

After my dog hurt her back leg...after a $300 visit to the vet...after bringing home a dog under the after affects of anethesia...after she pees in the front room in the middle of the night...after I clean her and her area up...after I try to give her her new pain medicine...after she vomits on the new blanket I lovingly put down for her...after I get up in the middle of the night to blog about all these absurdities, I go back to bed (my couch- I'll explain the couch thing in another blog when it seems important)- so after I go back to bed, calm myself down, snuggle in to try to finally get some rest- a spider crawls across me!

Arachnaphobia- the only phobia I know that I have. I have it bad. Really bad.

A spider crawled ACROSS me!

Is there no rest for the weary?

Yeah, I know its a bit quick for another entry....

But...here I was trying to sleep. (Remember the beat in [my] head.) Having fitful, disturbing, dreams when I did drift off, and then waking at 1:49 to my precious bulldog, Narya, peeing in the front room. (I was on the couch....long story...no marital problems.) Well, couldn't blame her, she severely hurt her back leg today- we don't know how, but she is still blissfully slumbering and snoring under the after effects of the anesthesia. Here's the rub... She's in heat, so she had on a "diaper," (which was useless). Obviously, she thinks she's done something wrong because she knows she's not supposed to pee in the house. So, I'm carrying this 58 lb lug and trying to console her and assure her she's not in trouble. Her cycle makes her pee STINK (sorry to the weak of stomach) so, I'm trying to clean up after her and take care of her at the same time.

She's obviously in tremendous pain so I start the pain killers the vet prescribed. She repeatedly spews them out til she's actually foaming at the mouth and finally vomits on the new bedding I just put down for her. Doc's aren't sure what her actual injury is. Nothing's broken, their best guess is a torn or partially torn maniscus.

Did I mention I'm sleep deprived. Maybe I should be the one taking her pain pills.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Today is the first day of the rest of my life...and of my blog.

That "Today is the first day" saying was a quote that hung on a banner at my Nana's church when I was little. I didn't really like the church that much, and Nana always sang loud and off key because she was tone deaf, but I did love that banner - for a child who shouldn't have had a care in the world, somehow it brought me comfort, despite the fact that I had nothing to worry about!

So, this is my first blog. Ever.

Can I talk about Michael Jackson for a moment here? Of course I can, its my blog. Well, I grew up in the 80's and was a MJ fan (hmmm... just realized those are my oldest son's initials), so I was a fan, but, was not a fanatic. The coverage of his death, in my humble opinion has been thorough to the point of exhaustion: (or is that my dysautonomia kicking in.) Regardless, the one thing that I did "get out of it" was a quote concerning his not being able to sleep. Dysautonmia messes with everything the autonomic nervous system is supposed to control - sleep being one of them. But, in all the death coverage that I tried to ignore while I "arted" away, I did catch one Jackson quote that I related with. The very thing that lead to Jackson's death, his tortured contention for sleep, he described as being the result of, "a constant beat in my head." So, while I imagine more than I will ever care to know was going on with Jackson, this makes one thing clear, he was always an artist...and perhaps that kept him from rest.

All that just to say, that I relate. I spent 13 years suffering with dysautonmia, with no diagnosis because it is so rare. During that time, I slept as much as I could, when I wanted to, when I was scared, when I was tired, whenever. I even had a sleeping bag in the back of my van so I could catch a nap at lunch when I took on a full-time job (that didn't last long - too ill!) But, now. Now, that I have found an activity that I can do and that I enjoy. Now, that I am trying to help with the family income as dysautonomia has rendered me disabled and unable to work. Now, that I have something that is my own, that is fun, that is meaningful and fulfilling. Now, I find that I have "a constant beat in my head."

I either have ideas for art, or feel I should be thinking of ideas, or want to be putting my ideas into fruition. I already suffer for a need for good restful sleep, but now, I find that I suffer with one who was a true artist- but... I won't be hooking up to an IV. Ambien anyone?