Sunday, January 3, 2010

Three Projects in progress

This piece, under the working name "Pirate" is definitely a break from my usual stylings.  It came about by mishap, as the paper-mached mask did not turn out as perfectly proportioned as I would have liked, so I added a bit of artist's paste to fill-in some divits and smooth some bumps and left it to dry on the kitchen table.  The next day, our boarder, Luke, came through the room admiring the mask, until he realized it wasn't a finished piece at all.  I had all but decided to trash it as it was clear it wouldn't be useful for my initial intended purpose, but with Luke's favorable response to it, I decided to stretch myself and see what I could make of something that "hadn't turned out."  This piece, mounted and coated, is finished (I think).  I know its a break from my usual, and probably won't appeal to many who are used to a certain style from me, but since I never attended art school, I do certain things to challenge myself to think "outside the box" and stretch my comfort zone.  Enjoy (if you can :)

This bust of a mermaid is an addittion to my line of paper-mache "ladies."
She is definitely still under construction...although I'm not sure what is next to do on her, so she hangs in my dining room, "auditioning" until the muse strikes and I know what she needs - and how to do it :)

I guess I'm obviously in a nautical mood with pirates and mermaids all being the projects at hand.  This is an 8x8 inch piece...also still fact, the white fishes and the mariner's compass are not yet adhered, but are auditioning, as I look for inspiration to bring this piece to a close.  Or should I say to "clothes" children are embarassed that this mermaid is bare-chested, but when making a decision about this particular detail, I enlisted Luke's advice- he advised me that mermaids are only bound by maritime law., I guess that means she's allowed to go au naturale'. 

To work I go then,


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