Sunday, January 3, 2010

Haunted House

This abandoned home, sitting in the middle of large acreage not too far from where we live has been a temptation for me since we moved to OR. It is a spooky place, especially at certain times of day, from particular angles...and when apparent squatters (or ghosts) hang sheets in the broken-out windows which then, move in the breeze. I'm not sure we hit the perfect time for the eeriest lighting, but then again, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to be there at that time of day! To tell you the truth, the scariest thing was a closed, upstairs door which I was afraid might reveal squatters just wanting to be left alone. Not sure who had the courage to open that door, either Tony or Kallie, but it was eventually opened and we did have fun exploring. I even found a little bird's egg which had dropped from a nest. A sad story, but, I do like to use them in my art and feel that if they have to be abandoned "in the womb" at least they can have a chance to adorn some collaged art-piece and have a place to belong for at least the life of the art. Just as we were leaving, a car pulled into the driveway, blocking our car's exit. I had arranged for Tony to pick me up on the road, so wasn't with him and Kallie when they were stopped. I was so afraid that someone belonging to the property had shown up and would be upset by our intrusion. It turned out to be Tony's mom and a friend, but, being on the other side of the property, I couldn't tell what was going on...adding to the overall angst of the "haunted" experience. Glad to get that temptation photographed and finished!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun Photos, Sheri. Knowing me, I would take those pictures and start viewing them using Photoshop (or other photo editing) filters and see just how "strange" they might become. If you have not done so, you might enjoy reading the story of Daddy's and my visit to Las Cuevitas ... a ghost time near the Texas border. It is listed in the "History" section and took place during 1963 or '64. HOW I wish I had photos from that day!