Well, my hubby hit the age no one believes in yesterday. He's 49! In preparing decorations for what was originally going to be a very small celebration, which then, seemed to grow and grow- turning out to be a truly wonderful gathering of friends and family- Kallie, two of her friends and I painted "over-the-hill" type sentiments on scrapbook paper.

The day before his birthday, I was watering my flowers outside (yes, it seems summer has finally decided to creep upon us, here in OR) and lamenting a bit about not being able to have a job so I could have my own money to surprise him with a gift. Its just not the same when I take money he made, to shop for him...especially, when its the end of the month and I've been told NOT to birthday shop...he "doesn't need anything." Well, you can imagine my elation when I got a care-package in the mail about an hour later containing some clothes, some craft materials and voila...a check! An unnamed benefactor had sent me some "mad money," but, boy, did it make me happy! Kallie, her boyfriend and I, loaded up and headed to Albany for some birthday shopping!
I've had in my mind for a while now that Tony "needs" a fire pit for our deck. So we hit several different stores, compared models and prices, and finally decided on one that we all liked, and which also happened to be on sale!
So, we grabbed the pit, and the brick pavers; as it turns out, you aren't supposed to sit the pit directly on a wood deck, and headed for home. The next day, (Tony's birthday) while Tony was at work, all the kids pitched in, including Kallie's beau' to put together a party. Speaking of "putting together," the boyfriend, Justin, actually assembled the pit itself, while Caleb helped him with the pit, carrying the pavers and all the other outside chores....collecting sticks for kindling, cleaning and sweeping the deck, mowing the yard, etc. Kallie and I worked on the inside of the house. Since my crafting stuff seems to creep out and take over certain areas of the house, I had a lot of re-organizing to do. Kallie and Michael did some of the basic house chores. Kallie made the cake and a double batch of brownies, and Michael shopped for food. Of course, we bought hot-dogs with all the trimmings and s'mores makings.
I just can't give my kids enough kuddo's on their helpfulness. There is no way I could have put the party together without their help. AND, they all worked with very little attitude or instruction. Finally, after everything was ready and our little back porch arranged for the party, I got a shower and then, broke out the camera to get some shots of the party set-up.
It seemed that the fire pit was a hit, and for the most part, the smoke stayed in the "right" direction. I think that just about everyone, except the birthday boy, roasted a "dog" and a marshmallow or two in the pit. (Tony fixed a turkey sandwhich on whole grain, sprouted bread...of course- but hey, it was his birthday!)
We missed having Julie and Dan and brother Steve and family with us, but it was truly a wonderful surpise to have Tyson join us.
I knew it was time to retire to my reading book when after 2 days of preparation, 2 days of cooperation, 2 days of everyone on their best behavior, Kallie and Caleb started to have a sibling moment. Don't let the innocent look on Kallie's face fool you. The tongue sticking out of Caleb's mouth tells it all.
But, really...everyone seemed to have a good time... I think Tony was blessed...and in the end, it was a fabulous way to mark the beginning of a new year in Tony's life...And no one will believe he's 49 anyway.