Saturday, October 31, 2009


Well, just as I was getting started on my own brand of creativity today.  Caleb and his friend, Tyler, starting trying to decide what to wear for Halloween.  While this is NOT my favorite holiday, the kids have always loved to dress up, and of course, what kid can resist free candy.  Caleb and bud, decided to go as members of the band, "Hollywood Undead."  Sounds like a fitting name for the occassion. And, it meant creating masks.  Luckily, I happened to have two masks on-hand.  Actually, one was a mask I painted for Caleb two years we painted over that one, and one was just waiting to be decorated.  Tyler, who is fairly creative, painted his own, (except for the "3" which he asked me to do) while I painted Caleb's - Caleb showered, and got his hair ready.

Meanwhile, Kallie was getting decked as a cat.  I'm not sure about all the elements of her costume. Part of it came from her recent trip to CA with her aunt and uncle, and part of was her grandma's b-day shopping gift to her.  I wish I had a photo of the original costume as, in the end, Kallie ended up putting on a t-shirt and a skirt over her costume skirt, and leg warmers over the lower part of her fabulous leggings.  Just said she was more comfortable that way!  That's my girl.  So, I did take a few pics.

Caleb and his friend are not flashing gang signs...the hand signals somehow mean "Hollywood Undead."

Caleb's mask.  Not as intricate as his buddy's but far creepier, in my opinion.  Yuck!

Kallie and Caleb...siblings- still willing to pose together.  Both good in front of a camera... Love the cat ears, but that mask!

                                                              Kallie cute!

                                         Kallie and new beau, Justin.  We like him...  nice guy.

Okay, so, helped the kids get ready for their evenings, and then spent the evening alone with hubby...watching NCIS marathon reruns.   How much more fun can a person have!

Happy Halloween

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

There and Back Again

Well, No....I haven't actually been anywhere, but a certain heaviness had been taking its toll...although, thankfully, I'm feeling better again. I've still been creating away...just haven't been posting or updating my Etsy store. However, I just added 8 new items to the store and reduced most of my prices- as I say at the store-front, "with a nod to the economy!"

On the personal front, and perhaps most related to feeling heavy-hearted, my first-born just made the move back to Alaska. Truly, I think it is a great move for him, as the economy there is somewhat insulated and definitely not as bad as it is here in Oregon, but it takes a lot of reminding myself of that in order not to succumb to the feelings of beginning "empty nest syndrome." Okay, reminding myself of the benefits of Michael's move and I upped my vitamin D supplementation and started taking SAM-e. Really, though, it seems to have made an improvement in only about a week!

I think I've posted most of my wall-art (just remembered one piece that I still need to photo and post) so that portion of the store is mostly current in status. I also have many matchbox necklaces that are finished and need to be photographed and posted, AND I have been working on Christmas cards and keep a look out- lots more to come.

Make sure to hit the link on the side for a quick jump to my Etsy store. Peace.